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General Assembly I


1. Addressing the ongoing geo-political conflict in the Sahel | Chair Report: 

2. Addressing the production and manufacturing of illegal arms in Ghana | Chair Report: 

President - Federico Xu (HIS)
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Greetings, Esteemed delegates, student officers, directors, and guests, My name is Federico Xu  (you may also call me Fedex if you want to.) I am a sophomore at Hangzhou International School right now. It will be my pleasure and my honor to serve as your chair for West Lake MUN 2023: Safe and Secure. I am going to be the chair for GA1.From the many past MUN experience that I had, I believe that MUN is a fun place for you to share your idea on big global issue, and it is also a opportunity to meet and socialize with people that you haven’t met before.There are time that you might felt nervous about your speech, or about the correct phrase that you are using, but I encourage you to be brave and speak out loud. Since, in West Lake MUN and especially my committee. I am a very easy going person and I will make sure to not give you more stress. Due to I was once a newbie also and I know how it feel. If you have anymore question or concern feel free to email me via email at Looking forward to have a fruitful debate from all the delegates. 
Deputy President - Naomi Xia (HIS)

Hello delegates! My name is Naomi, and I am an 8th Grader at Hangzhou International school. This year, I am excited to be your Co-Chair for General Assembly 1. West Lake MUN is my sixth conference. I have always looked forward to MUN conferences, finding them a rewarding experience not only to learn, but to talk with people with similar interests and passions. 

This year, I will be focusing on the topic of the production and manufacturing of illegal arms in Ghana. I look forward to fast-paced debates and conversations, finally yielding amazing resolutions. 

MUN has always been an amazing experience for me. I enjoy taking part in discussions, asking questions, making amendments, and writing resolutions together. Whether you are a newcomer to MUN or an experienced delegate, I hope you enjoy this conference. For beginners: don't be nervous, relax and raise your placard! If you have any questions for me, please email me at I wish you all a rewarding experience at West Lake MUN!

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